15.6.13 | 04:11 | 2 Atasinchi
Friday was a last day for Ustaz Safwan and Sir Radi in SMK Pendeta Za'ba. Seriously D don't know how to express this feeling. Too sad untill there no more tears left. Same thing happen when Cikgu Mustafa Mahad left PZ on Februari. Cry hard like river. Hmm, but just now Sir Radi said Our life is like a novel. So, I think it again and again and again. This thing was written and there is advantages of what happen today.
However, D still sad. There's no more laughing in the class or make jokes with Ustaz. Remind of Ustaz advices, to take care of ourselves. There's no more a teacher who will call us ' Hei, budak budak ni' . And there's no more 'Seriously?!' . HAHA.
Thats for today folks. Papai.